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6 Controversial Opinions on Jeff Lerner's ENTRE Institute 

1. Locked Trainings and Upsells

Every level of the ENTRE Institute has an additional cost. The ENTRE Blueprint is $39, and is a sky-high look at the basics of what you can learn in ENTRE Institute (affiliate marketing, digial agencies, course creation). His main course is $4000, where you can actually learn how to do these business models. On top of that, you have to purchase their CRM system (EntreSoft) for taking payments for clients. EntreSoft costs $1600.

2. One-on-One Coaching Has an Additional Cost

After finishing the main ENTRE Institute courses, Jeff's team begins the hard sell for continuous coaching. One-on-one coaching costs $10,000 for 3 months. At this point in your online business journey, you will pay $15,639 before making any real money back.

3. Jeff Lerner Has a Multi-Level Marketing Background

Jeff Lerner was/is associated with a few defunct businesses, like Wealth Masters International (which is a confirmed pyramid scheme in Norway), Carbon Copy Pro (which was shut down also. Now its founders run Six Figure Mentors, which Jeff is also involved in) My Online Business Education (its creator had to pay $17 million to the FTC), and Digital Altitude. Jeff has structured ENTRE around these types of businesses- here's some information from the MOBE FTC complaint:

Though, it is worth noting that ENTRE is NOT a multi-level marketing business, nor is it a pyramid scheme, becuase there is a product involved. It is a legit affiliate marketing course. 

4. Students Promote ENTRE as Affiliates, So Most Reviews are Biased

At the end of the ENTRE Blueprint, Jeff Lerner reveals how you can make money with affiliate marketing by selling the course they just completed. So, you will find countless biased reviews about ENTRE Blueprint on YouTube from brand new affiliates. Reviews that include negative aspects of the course are typically legit and not produced by affiliates.

5. Difficulties of the Business Models (and Necessary Expenses) Hidden During Pitch Stage

ENTRE Blueprint serves as a great commercial for Jeff Lerner's lifestyle, which he has built from doing these exact business models. However, he isn't as up front about the difficulties that come with affiliate marketing (like standing out among the hundreds of other ENTRE Blueprint affiliates), the challenges of building a digital agency (convincing businesses to allow you to manage their marketing), or even online course creation (constant updates needed, coaching, and more makes this not as passive as you'd might think). He also isn't up front about just how much is costs to join ENTRE successfully, and how much startup costs it will take to invest in each business model. 

6. You Need to Focus on One Business Model, and Your Course Should Be All-Inclusive

The ENTRE Institute focuses heavily on training the entrepreneurial mindset. This may be helpful for some people new to making money online. However, you may find more success learning within a platform that is focused solely on actionable steps to create and run a single business model, without any upsells. 

What is Jeff Lerner’s ENTRE Institute Blueprint Strategy?

Jeff Lerner’s ENTRE Blueprint Strategy involves addressing personal and physical growth besides professional growth. He focuses on these business models:

  • Affiliate marketing
  • Digital agencies
  • Course creation

Who is Jeff Lerner?

Jeff Lerner is the founder of ENTRE Institute and Entresoft. He is the owner of 2:20 Investment Group in St. George, UT. Forbes Business Council just accepted him as an official member. Until 2018, he was the CEO of Xurli, a digital agency and software company. Jeff also served as head of operations at PRO U and co-founded WHAMmobile, which he controibuted to until 2010. 

Besides his impressive business portfolio, Jeff Lerner is also a professional jazz pianist, a husband, father of 4 children, a podcaster, YouTuber, and fitness junkie.

What Makes Jeff Lerner Any Different From Other Online Coaches?

Jeff Lerner differs from other online coaches because he sells a skill set and a lifestyle. He’s a life coach and a business coach. Unlike other course creators that learn and regurgitate information, Jeff has multiple businesses and teaches from his own experience.

However, Jeff Lerner has some what of a controversial past. In 2011, he entered a partnership with Wealth Masters International. By the time he joined, Norway had already banned WMI for being an MLM scheme. Two years later, WMI sued Jeff and many others for a "breach of agreement". The group counter-sued, and WMI eventually disappeared.

Jeff was also involved in My Hidden Pages and My Online Business Education. The FTC shut down MOBE for fraud. In addition, he was connected to Digital Altitude, which was also shut down by the FTC for a consumer’s loss of $4.7 million. 

Here's the bottom line: Just because someone runs multiple “successful” businesses doesn’t necessarily mean that person is trustworthy.

Jeff Lerner Net Worth

Jeff Lerner’s net worth is probably around $4 to $5 million. This is far less than he implies in his ads, where he claims an income of $100,000,000. This amount is most likely sales, and doesn’t account for any expenses, any employees he pays, or even the cut he keeps for himself.

What Does Jeff Lerner Do For a Living?

Jeff Lerner teaches others how to become successful entrepreneurs through affiliate marketing, digital agencies, and selling online courses. But that’s just the ENTRE business model. On top of teaching, Jeff has many other gigs including public speaking at ENTRE Institute Insight events and managing property investments in Georgia, Nevada, Ohio, Texas, and Utah.

Jeff Lerner Success Story

Jeff Lerner’s success story starts at the very beginning, when he was born with Waardenburg Syndrome. This genetic condition passes from a single parent to the child. There are 4 variations of this syndrome, and it's unclear which type Jeff has. However, symptoms range from cleft lips to mobility issues to deafness. Waardenburg has specific physical traits, like wide-set eyes, early graying of hair, and very pale blue eyes. 

Because of his unique look, children bullied Jeff in school. Teachers thought he was autistic, or needed to see a psychiatrist. More than once, schools told his parents to take him elsewhere. This would build a fighting spirit within him that helps him overcome hard times to this day.

Jeff Lerner Learns a Traditional Job Isn’t For Him

Jeff Lerner’s dad was a stockbroker turned money manager. His mom was an attorney for a Big 5 law firm. His mother got him his very first job of delivering office supplies around a law office. Jeff didn’t like the job and got himself fired after only 3 weeks.

Later, at 17, Jeff started skipping school without telling his parents. It got so bad that the schools threatened his parents with a truancy ticket if he ever came back. So, his mom withdrew him from school and bought him a piano at his request. He taught himself and focused on becoming a musician. Over the next 6 years, he tried again and again to get into the University of Houston for piano. Finally, he got a scholarship- without his high school diploma- and graduated Magna cum Laude with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Music Theory and Composition in Jazz Piano with a minor in business finance.

Jeff Lerner’s Journey to Affiliate Marketing

In his 20s, Jeff invested the money his parents had saved for college and worked as a professional piano player. By 29, Jeff had also started 10 more businesses. These attempts at income-producing assets included a rave business similar to party promoting, a booking agency, marketing, flipping houses, and being a loan officer. All of them failed. 

Then, the economy collapsed in the 2008 Great Recession. Jeff had a failed restaurant franchise and 2 real estate investment companies suing him. On top of everything, he was $495,000 in debt and broke his wrist, leaving him out of his piano playing job. His first wife left him and he lived in his ex- in laws spare bedroom.

That’s when Jeff Learner learned about affiliate marketing. This (and real estate) got him out of debt. Though, he dedicated 14-15 hours a day for a year to this business model. That's definitely not passive income, and probably not sustainable for most people.

By 39, Mr Lerner says he considered retiring. Instead, he decided he wanted to help the aspiring entrepreneur do what he did to become successful. So, he created the 3x3 Success Matrix, which would become ENTRE Institute.

Jeff Lerner’s Business Connections

Jeff encourages his students to seek a mentor because he had several important mentors and investors throughout his growth period. These included Bruce Johnson, who invented the BreatheRight brand and Larry Goldstien, Todd Wagner’s business manager. He made connections by playing piano for billionaires, and then became one himself.

Jeff Lerner Wife

Jeff Lerner’s wife is Jaqueline Lerner. Her name before they were married was Jaquelinge Bessey. Her father, Carl introduced them. The couple married on June 9, 2012, 6 years before Jeff hit his stride with the ENTRE Institute. Jacqueline had 3 children before marrying Jeff- Braxton, Jace, and Jada. Jeff has since adopted the children, and the couple welcomed Stella Jane as the newest child in the family in 2016.

Jeff Lerner Age

Jeff Lerner was born in Houston, TX on March 1, 1979. So, in 2022, he is 43 years old.

Jeff Lerner Forbes

Jeff Lerner was recently accepted into the Forbes Business Council. Many online course coaches (like the Mikkeslen twins) brag about being featured on Forbes, but these sellers can pay for a feature to boost their own marketing. However, this isn’t the case with Jeff. To be selected for the Forbes Business Council, a committee must review his experience. The invitation-only council connects Jeff with other leaders and professional opportunities. He can also publish writings on Forbes’ website.

Why is Jeff Lerner Successful?

Jeff Lerner is successful because of his use of Google AdWords, his YouTube presence, other social media platforms, and diversifying his income streams. Here are some details:

  • He received his Google AdWords certification in June 2014.
  • His YouTube channel has over 80,800 subscribers. Most of Jeff Lerner’s YouTube video lately have been TikTok length shorts.
  • You can find Jeff Lerner online on active Instagram and Facebook accounts. He uses both to share information about his businesses and his life.
  • It’s impossible to know the exact number of additional businesses Jeff owns or has invested in. He’s involved in Awesome Marketing software, the Six Figure Mentors program, and multiple programs within the ENTRE Institute. (Six Figure Mentors has some connection with Carbon Copy Pro, which was a part of the WMI fiasco.)

If Jeff Lerner is So Successful, Why Does He Teach ENTRE Blueprint?

According to Jeff, he taught ENTRE Blueprint and the ENTRE Institute over retirement. Part of his decision was driven by anger at the traditional education system. However, Jeff is a master marketer. It’s likely that the shares this part of his story to make him appear as a caring, philanthropic coach.

Even if these are his best qualities, the fact is that Jeff can make much more money teaching online courses than heading to retirement over a decade before 50. Plus, he appears to enjoy teaching others and is very good at promoting his products.

Does Jeff Lerner Sell Any Other Programs?

Yes, Jeff Lerner sells at least 4 programs within ENTRE Institute. These are:

  • The ENTRE Blueprint. This is Jeff’s $39 course that introduces affiliate marketing, creating digital agencies, and online courses. To get the full high-ticket course, you'll endure a $4000 upsell for ENTRE Nation. 
  • Foundations. This video series comprises 6 courses focused on entrepreneurial secrets of success, lifestyle, money, business, wealth, and sales.
  • Business Accelerators. Business Accelerators is a 60-day, intensive training program takes your business ideas and teaches you how to run it profitability. These courses are where the real meat is.
  • Business Mastery. The ENTRE Mastery programhelps take your business to the next level in many areas that you might struggle with, like cold-calling or lead generation.

He also offers ENTRE Coaching, a newly published book Unlock Your Potential, a podcast, and more.

Note: Entre Results Coaching is another business entirely, and is not associated with Jeff Lerner.

Jeff Lerner Podcast

The Unlock Your Potential with Jeff Lerner Podcast is still active and has dozens of episodes. Jeff reuses his content across his podcast and YouTube channel. This is a great way to diversify ad income while minimizing creation efforts. In his podcast, he covers lifestyle choices like mental toughness and fitness, interviews of successful entrepreneurs, and building relationships.

Is Jeff Lerner Still Active?

Yes, Jeff Lerner is still an active entrepreneur. Of the 3 business models he promotes, he definitely still does course creation. Because he is involved in so many businesses, it’s likely he is still dabbling in digital agencies (even after leaving Xurli). As for affiliate marketing, he has his own affiliate marketing program for ENTRE where he pays affiliates to share excellent reviews of his course.

How Do You Make Money Online with Jeff Lerner?

Jeff Lerner’s business model involves affiliate marketing, digital agencies, and online courses. Let’s break down each one.

What is Affiliate Marketing and How Does it Work?

Jeff says that affiliate marketing is the “ultimate referral business” that can make you 7 figures from home on your laptop. This is the business model he started in 2008 to get out of $495,000 in debt. Affiliate marketing involves promoting other people’s products and taking a cut off the sales or profits. 

According to Jeff, the first step in affiliate marketing is choosing a niche to promote. He chose a digital marketing education product and a financial education product. (The self-help niche is profitable in many business models). 

Then, you must choose a program. Amazon is one large marketplace you can promote. Or, you can choose a retailer like Best Buy, an affiliate network like ClickBank, or a CPA (cost per action) network like MaxBounty.com. You can also promote specific offers rather than brands. Then, you will follow your program’s specific instructions to set up your links.

Your next step is incorporating your links into the content you create, whether it be blogs, YouTube videos, a landing page, or through email marketing. To become profitable, generate an audience for your content. ItIt’s best to start affiliate marketing if you already have a following in 2023. Read our full breakdown of affiliate marketing pros and cons for more information.

Is Affiliate Marketing a Pyramid Scheme?

No, affiliate marketing is not a pyramid scheme. A pyramid scheme is an illegal business model where members or participants (who pay to join) recruit other members, and the more senior members are paid with the money from later entries into the program. Affiliate marketing involves choosing a niche, finding an affiliate program, and promoting a product for an agreed upon a cut of sales. There is not necessarily any recruitment involved.

How Much Can You Earn as an Affiliate Marketer?

Affiliate marketing income ranges from around $39,000/year to $89,427/year, according to PayScale and Glassdoor, respectively. This amount does not include the cost of ads to promote links, so this only indicates sales.

How Do You Get Paid as an Affiliate?

The way you’re paid as an affiliate will depend on the program that you choose. Make sure you are comfortable with the terms of service before signing up. Some programs won’t pay you until you earn a specific amount of money, which can take months.

Does Jeff Lerner have a Profitable Affiliate Program?

Jeff Lerner’s courses have an affiliate program, which is why you see many positive reviews for his products online. If you’re interested in the fine print, read Jeff Lerner’s affiliate marketing disclaimer.

What is a Digital Agency?

Digital agencies are profitable assets that you build online, usually centered on providing marketing services for clients you have gained. My local lead generation business is an example of a digital agency. Jeff’s first digital agency earned him $300- $2500 per month in excess income for every client he added. He could sell this entire agency to another company for a large sum after he developed it. Another example of a digital agency is Kenji ROI, which offers product listing optimization for Amazon sellers.

Online Course Creation

A digital course is essentially another digital product that you create with little cost (compared to creating a private label Amazon product, for example). You will need to promote your course through a social media following and paid ads. Consider pairing your course with individualized support like coaching, online communities, and Q&A forums. Obviously, the ENTRE Institute is another way that Jeff has diversified his income.

What is ENTRE Blueprint?

The ENTRE Blueprint is Jeff Lerner’s most popular ENTRE Institute course. It's low-ticket, which means it shares basic level information about affiliate marketing, digital agencies, and creating online courses. 

ENTRE Blueprint includes 6 steps to success:

  • This lesson goes over the 3 “Ps” you’ll need to conquer to gain an awesome life: personal, professional, and physical aspects.
  • Here, Jeff trains you on the 3 “Legs” of action you’ll need to complete. These are context/community, knowledge/learning, and strategy/belief.
  • Learn the 3 “Phases” of your personal legacy that will affect your family for years to come. Jeff will introduce you to wealth, growth, and leverage.
  • Finally, Jeff teaches you about affiliate marketing. You will only learn the very basic level of affiliate marketing and its theory. By taking this course alone, you won’t be able to start a successful affiliate marketing business.
  • You’ll learn about eCommerce in Step 5. Again, this is all theory, with no actual training.
  • In the last piece of ENTRE Blueprint, you will learn more specifics about the digital agency business model.

What Does Joining the ENTRE Blueprint Cost?

Joining the ENTRE Blueprint costs only $39. This low price of entry is how ENTRE obtained its 200,000 students. Jeff doesn’t share how many students have actually gone through his entire funnel.

What Bonuses are Included in the ENTRE Blueprint?

If ENTRE Blueprint is so low-cost, does it even offer any bonus materials? Yes, ENTRE Blueprint includes your very own advisor that will design your personalized path to success (this is a guaranteed promise). You’ll also receive:

  • Two PDFs that share ENTRE’s principal values and your own success path.
  • Private ENTRE Nation community.
  • The ENTRE Life App, where students keep themselves accountable in a community setting.
  • A Jumpstart training on quickly making some income.

After completing the steps, you’ll face the first upsell: ENTRE Nation Elite.

What is ENTRE Nation?

ENTRE Nation is the next product in Jeff Lerner’s arsenal of upsells. To get this course, you will pay $49/month or $348/year. It's all a marketing tactic; if you've already invested a small amount, you're more likely to invest a little more. It's a slippery slope that you need to research before jumping on.

It might be difficult to find an ENTRE Nation review specifically, but applying what you know about Jeff Lerner, ENTRE Blueprint, and the ENTRE Institute in general will tell you everything you need to know. 

After ENTRE Nation, you will reach ENTRE Digital, which includes actual, actionable advice for Jeff’s business modules. This training costs an additional $1997 per business model.

If you want to add one-on-one coaching, ENTRE charges $15,000. Finally, to enter the ENTRE Inner Circle, which gets you 12 virtual intensive workshops, you’ll pay another $29,9997.

If you go through Jeff’s entire funnel, you will spend at least $47,381.

Why Does Jeff Lerner Keep Using the Term Awesome Life?

“Awesome Life” is simply a marketing term to make you believe his course will help you attain the life you want, whatever that may be. You’ll hear Jeff refer to the “3 Ps” of an “Awesome Life” in the ENTRE Blueprint. He also has the Awesome Life Challenge.

When was the ENTRE Institute Created? Has Jeff Lerner Kept it Up to Date?

ENTRE Institute was created after 2018, which was when Jeff created the 3x3 Success Matrix. It is up-to-date, but remember- the content for ENTRE Blueprint is more theoretical and is intended for students to learn about ENTRE rather than actionable ideas.

The courses are up-to-date, but I wouldn’t suggest starting an affiliate marketing business in 2023. This business model was more lucrative even a few short years ago. Now, traffic is unpredictable, you will have no control over the brand you’re promoting, and there is an army of competition. Many affiliate marketing programs won’t pay you for a few months, so it’s not something that you can live off of right away.

For more, read our Entre Institute Review.

If You Have No Business Plan, Can Jeff Lerner Help You Create One?

Yes, Jeff’s training will help you create a business plan. In fact, Jeff guarantees help with creating a business plan with your individual goals.

Is Jeff Lerner Legit?

Yes, Jeff Lerner is a legit business and lifestyle coach with over a decade of experience making a significant amount of money online. He employs aggressive marketing tactics, and upsells his courses, which many people believe is scammy. However, if you pay for anything from Jeff Lerner, you will receive a product. So, Jeff is legit and his courses are not a scam.

Is Jeff Lerner a Pyramid Scheme?

No, Jeff Lerner’s ENTRE Institute is not a pyramid scheme. But, it may feel like one because of his course upsells. A pyramid scheme by definition involves the highest members of an organization making money off of its lowest. Instead, Jeff’s course creation business model basically funnels students into the next more expensive course.

Are Jeff Lerner’s Programs Worth It?

Jeff Lerner’s programs might be worth it if you are the right person for his course. ENTRE Blueprint is only worth the $39 if you are ready to take the next step into a more expensive option. If you need a positive cheerleader to motivate you for success and don’t mind a bit of fluff in place of actionable advice, ENTRE Blueprint might work well for you.

How Good is hos traning?

His training, which is quite extensive, has step-by-step instructions on how to build an affiliate marketing business from scratch as well as explaining how to use the affiliate marketing tools and resources to your advantage.

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